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Highly absorbent airlaid nonwovens: Food Packaging & Transportation

Superabsorbents for Food Packaging & Transportation

These popular nonwoven fabrics are known for being soft and absorbent due to their cellulosic content.  All of our Airlaid Nonwovens also contain our Super Absorbent Fibres (SAF™), which are FDA and EFSA listed for use as an absorbent in food packaging, and so ideal for use as soaker pads. They are also ideal as pallet liners for large scale spill capture and moisture/condensation management during food transportation/distribution. 

The airlaid manufacturing process involves fibres being randomly dispersed by a fast-moving air stream. They are then condensed onto a moving screen and bonded to create the finished fabric. Additional laminate layers can be added to one or both sides if required to provide extra strength or functionality. 

We can achieve Airlaid nonwovens with up to 60% SAF™ and have a catalogue of fabrics readily available to sample – you can browse these below.

Bespoke fabrics can also be manufactured if required.

Superabsorbent Airlaid Nonwoven Fabric Samples

Total Weight 180 g/m2
Thickness 2.0 mm
Total Weight 335 g/m2
Thickness 2.7 mm
Total Weight 120 g/m2
Thickness 1.6 mm
Total Weight 95 g/m2
Thickness 0.9 mm
Total Weight 345 g/m2
Thickness 3.5 mm
Total Weight 200 g/m2
Thickness 2.0 mm
Total Weight 345 g/m2
Thickness 3.5 mm
Total Weight 240 g/m2
Thickness 2.4 mm
Total Weight 120 g/m2
Thickness 1.7 mm

Need guidance or a custom solution?

Need expert help selecting an absorbent solution? Email us now! Our team of SAFologists will swiftly respond to discuss your needs and guide you to the right fibre, fabric or yarn. From concept to launch, we’re here to solve your super absorbency challenges. Don’t wait – contact us today!